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Journal Articles

  1. Ma, S., Hu, S., Chen, M.*, 2025. Nonlinear statics and dynamics of membrane systems based on positional FEM. Computers & Structures. Submitted.
  2. Chen, M., Shen, Y., 2025. Resource efficient covariance control of tensegrity robots with optimal sensor and actuator selection. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Submitted.
  3. Chen, Y.*, Chen, M., Xia, X., Hermanson, J.C., Qi, F., 2025. Efficient Monte Carlo Simulations of Coagulation Based on Weighted Particle Strategies. Advanced Powder Technology. Under Review.
  4. Zhao, L.*, Jiang, Y., Chen, M., Bekris, K., Balkcom, D.*, 2024. Tensegrity-Blocks: Modular Shape-changing Blocks Enable Self-assembling Robotic Structures. Nature Communications. Under Review.
  5. Zheng, K., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., Chen, B.*, Chen, M*, 2024. Design and analysis of tensegrity D–Bar based metamaterials with negative Poisson’s ratio. Smart Materials and Structures. Under Review.
  6. Zhao, L.*, Jiang, Y., She, C., Quattrini Li, A., Chen, M., Balkcom, D., 2024. SoftRafts: Floating and Adaptive Soft Modular Robots. npj Robotics. Under Review.
  7. Zhao, L.*, Jiang, Y., She, C., Quattrini Li, A., Chen, M., Balkcom, D., 2024. SoftSnap: Rapid Prototyping of Untethered Soft Robots Using Snap-Together Modules. Soft Robotics. Under Review.
  1. Zhang, Y., Zheng, K., Zhao, Y., Zheng, Z., Chen, B.*, Chen, M*, 2025. Collision resistant study of spherical tensegrity structures for protective drone shells. Extreme Mechanics Letters. Accepted.
  2. Jiang, M. and Chen, M., Zhou, D., Mao, Z.*, 2025. Editorial for the special issue on biomimetic soft robotics: Actuation, sensing, and integration. Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics. p100211.
  3. Bai, M. and Chen, M*, 2025. Lightweight design of tensegrity Michell truss subject to cantilever loads. Composite Structures. p118925.
  4. Zhang, G., Chen, M.*, Chen, D., Shen, Y.*, 2025. Lightweight designs of simply supported tensegrity structures and their applications to bridges. Composite Structures. p118923.
  5. Ma, S. and Chen, M.*, 2025. Stability conditions of tensegrity structures considering local and global buckling. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 287, p109951.
  6. Yazbeck, R., El-Borgi, S., Boyd, J.G.*, Chen, M., Lagoudas, D.C., 2024. Non-dimensional linear analysis of one-dimensional wave propagation in D-bar tensegrity structures. Composite Structures. 353, p118694.
  7. Xu, Y. and Chen, M.*, 2024. The minimal mass tensegrity solutions to compressive and tensile loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 286, p109894.
  8. Chen, Y., Chen, M, Xia, X.*, Hermanson, J.C., Qi, F., 2024. Refinement reconstruction-based Monte Carlo methods for solving the breakage population balance equation. Powder Technology. 442, p119870.
  9. Hui, D., Gan, J., Xia, R., Lu, Z., Chen, B.*, Chen, M*, 2024. Adaptive tensegrity foot design for quadruped robots in unstructured terrains. Smart Materials and Structures. 34, p117274.
  10. Chen, J., Chen, M.*, Majji, M., Skelton, R.E., 2024. Tensegrity system dynamics in fluids. Nonlinear Dynamics. Accepted.
  11. Su, X., Chen, M.*, Majji, M., Skelton, R.E., 2024. Minimal mass design of a tensegrity tower for lunar electromagnetic launching. Acta Astronautica. 228, p442-452.
  12. Shen, Y., Chen, M.*, Skelton, R.E., 2024. Finite word-length optimal simulation for high dimensional dynamical systems: examples of tensegrity structures. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 215, p111415.
  13. Shen, Y., Chen, M.*, Skelton, R.E., 2024. A Markov data-based approach to system identification and output error covariance analysis for tensegrity structures. Nonlinear Dynamics. 112, p7215-7231.
  14. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, Dong, Y., Yuan, X., Skelton, R.E., 2024. Statics and dynamics of pulley-driven tensegrity structures with sliding cable modeling. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 130, p378-400.
  15. Chen, M.*, Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Analysis of clustered cable-actuation strategies of V-Expander tensegrity structures. Engineering Structures. 296, p116868.
  16. Shen, Y., Chen, M.*, Skelton, R.E. 2023. Markov data-based reference tracking control to tensegrity morphing airfoils. Engineering Structures. 291, p116430.
  17. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, Zhang., H., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Statics of integrated origami and tensegrity systems. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 279, p112361.
  18. Shen, Y.*, Chen, M., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E. Q-Markov Covariance Equivalent Realizations for Unstable and Marginally Stable Systems. 2023. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 196, p110343.
  19. Ma, S., Chen, Y., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2023. Equilibrium and Stiffness Study of Clustered Tensegrity Structures with the Consideration of Pulley Sizes. Engineering Structures. 282, p115796.
  20. Chen, M.*, Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Analyses of cable-actuation of the V-Expander tensegrity structure subject to five basic loading conditions. Mechanics Research Communications. 127, p104026.
  21. Ma, S., Lu, K., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2023. Design and Control Analysis of A Clustered Hyperbolic Paraboloid Cable Net. Engineering Structures. 279, p115569.
  22. Chen, M.*, Bai, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2023. Minimal mass design of clustered tensegrity structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 404, p115832.
  23. Liu, Q.*, Chen, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2023. An extended ordinary state-based peridynamics for non-spherical horizons. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 403, p115712.
  24. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, Peng, Z., Yuan, X., Skelton, R.E., 2022. The Equilibrium and Form-Finding of General Tensegrity Systems with Rigid Bodies. Engineering Structures. 266, p114618.
  25. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, Skelton, R.E., 2022. TsgFEM: Tensegrity Finite Element Method. Journal of Open Source Software. 7(74), 3390.
  26. Khaled, M.S., Chen, M., Losoya, E.Z., Rodriguez, L.A., Gildin E.*, Skelton, R.E., 2022. Tensegrity laboratory drilling rig for earth and space drilling, mining, and exploration. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 252, p111785.
  27. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, Skelton, R.E., 2022. Dynamics and control of clustered tensegrity systems. Engineering Structures. 264, p.114391.
  28. Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E, 2021. Review of space habitat designs for long-term space explorations. Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 122, p100692.
  29. Ma, S., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2021. Tensegrity system dynamics based on finite element method. Composite Structures. 280, p114838.
  30. Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Design and analysis of a growable artificial gravity space habitat. Aerospace Science and Technology. 106, p106147.
  31. Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2020. A general approach to minimal mass tensegrity. Composite Structures. 248, p112454.
  32. Ma, S., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Design of a new tensegrity cantilever structure. Composite Structures. 243, p112188.
  33. Goyal, R.*, Chen, M., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Gyroscopic Tensegrity Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 5(2), pp.1239-1246.
  34. Chen, M.*, Liu, J. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Design and control of tensegrity morphing airfoils. Mechanics Research Communications. 103, p103480.
  35. Goyal, R.*, Chen, M., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2019. MOTES: Modeling of Tensegrity Structures. Journal of Open Source Software. 4(42), p.1613.

Books & Chapters

  1. Chen, M., Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Analysis of Optimal Deployment Strategy for Large Deployable Tensegrity Space Antennas. Vol 437. Springer.


Conference with Full Papers  
  1. Jiang, Y.*, Zhao, L., Quattrini Li, A., Chen, M., Balkcom, D., 2025. Exploring Spontaneous Social Interaction Swarm Robotics Powered by Large Language Models. The 2025 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2025). Hangzhou, Oct 19 – 25, 2025. Submitted.
  2. Shi, L., Cao, W., Chen, M., Shen, Y*, 2025. Markov parameters generation for data-based modeling of tensegrity robots considering finite word-length effects. The 2025 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2025). Hangzhou, Oct 19 – 25, 2025. Submitted.
  3. Li, Z., Xu, H., Chen, M.*, 2025. Efficient Gait Planning Incorporating Locomotion Dynamics for Six-Bar Spherical Tensegrity Robots. The 2025 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2025). Hangzhou, Oct 19 – 25, 2025. Submitted.
  1. Zheng, K., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., Chen, B.*, Chen, M*, 2024. Experimental study of tensegrity D-Bar based metamaterials. The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Technology (MEMAT 2024). Nanjing, Dec 27, 2024.
  2. Ma, S.* and Chen, M., 2024. Dynamics of Tensegrity Structures with Membranes based on Finite Element Method. 20th Conference on Spatial Structures. Tianjin, Nov., 2024.
  3. Chen, M. and Qin, J., 2024. Form-Finding and Physical Properties Prediction of Tensegrity Structures Using Deep Neural Networks. The 58th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ACSSC). Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 27 - 30, 2024.
  4. Zhu, Z.* and Chen, M., 2024. Simulating the gravity by rotation as a multi-objective design problem: A metaheuristic approach toward the design of a space station with artificial gravity. The 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Milan, Italy, Oct. 17, 2024.
  5. Chen, M.*, Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., 2024. Lightweight Design of Tensegrity V-Expander Structures. The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Annual Symposium. ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich, Aug. 26 – 30, 2024.
  6. Ma, S.*, Chen, M., 2024. Prestressed cable-strut structures stability analysis under local and global buckling conditions. The 2024 Investigation on Structure Stability and Fatigue (ISSF). Guangzhou, Aug. 16-19, 2024.
  7. Shen, Y., Chen, M.*, Habtour, E., Skelton, R.E., 2024. Sensor Fault Detection to Tensegrity Structures Using Eigensystem Realization Algorithm. ASCE Earth & Space 2024. Miami, FL, April 15-18, 2024.
  8. Chen, M.*, Shen, Y., Skelton, R.E., 2024. Model-Based and Markov Data-Based Linearized Tensegrity Dynamics and Analysis of Morphing Airfoils. The AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum 2024). Orlando, FL, Jan. 8-12, 2024.
  9. Shen, Y.*, Chen, M., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E, 2023. An Efficient q-Markov Covariance Equivalent Realization Approach to System Identification. The 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). July 9–14, 2023, Yokohama, Japan.
  10. Chen, M., Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G.*, Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Analysis of Optimal Deployment Strategy for Large Deployable Tensegrity Space Antennas. IWSS - Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures. Turin, June 26-28, 2023.
  11. Shen, Y., Chen, M.*, Skelton, R.E., 2023. Optimal simulation model for tensegrity systems in the presence of finite precision computing. The 21st European Control Conference (ECC). Bucharest, Romania, June 13 - 16, 2023.
  12. Ma, S., Lu, K., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2022. Deployment Analysis of A Clustered Tensegrity Hyperbolic Paraboloid Cable Net. IASS Annual Symposium Affiliated with 13th APCS. Beijing, China, Sept. 19-22, 2022.
  13. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, Peng, Z., Yuan, X., Skelton, R.E., 2022. Statics of Tensegrity Systems with Arbitrary Rigid Bodies. IASS Annual Symposium Affiliated with 13th APCS. Beijing, China, Sept. 19-22, 2022.
  14. Ma, S., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2021. Design and analysis of deployable clustered tensegrity cable domes. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS). Annual Symposium and Spacial Structures Conference 2020/21. Surrey, UK, Aug. 23, 2021.
  15. Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2021. Deployable Tensegrity Lunar Tower. ASCE Earth & Space Conference. April 18-23, 2021.
  16. Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Growth Adaptable Artificial Gravity Space Habitat from Tensegrity Structures. ASCE Earth & Space Conference. April 18-23, 2021.
  17. Longman, A.*, Skelton, R.E., Majji, M., Sercel, J., Peterson, C., Shevtsov, J., Chen, M. and Goyal, R., 2020. In-Space Fabrication and Growth of Affordable Large Interior Rotating Habitats. In ASCEND 2020. Nov. 16-18, 2020.
  18. Goyal, R.*, Chen, M., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Gyroscopic Tensegrity Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). May 31 to Aug. 31, 2020.
  19. Chen, M.*, Shen, Y., Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2018. Energy analysis of growth adaptable artificial gravity space habitat. In 2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition. p. 5109. Orlando, FL, Sept. 17-19, 2018.
Conference with Abstracts
  1. Shen, Y., Chen, M., 2025. Data-Driven Modeling and Control Framework for Tensegrity Robots Using Markov Parameters. Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025 International Conference (EMI 2025-IC). Tsinghua University, Beijing, Jul 17 - 20, 2025.
  2. Su, L., Chen, M., Shen, Y.*, 2025. Parametric Studies of Hoberman Spheres for the Design of Scalable and Deployable Structures. Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025 International Conference (EMI 2025-IC). Tsinghua University, Beijing, Jul 17 - 20, 2025.
  3. Ma, S.*, Hu, S., Chen, M., 2025. Dynamic Modeling of Integrated Tensegrity and Membrane Systems for Lightweight Deployable Structures. Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025 International Conference (EMI 2025-IC). Tsinghua University, Beijing, Jul 17 - 20, 2025.
  4. Zhang, G., Chen, M., Shen, Y.*, 2025. Design and Analysis of Tensegrity Flywheels Based on Michell Truss Topologies. The 76th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Sydeny, Australia, Sep. 29 – Otc. 3, 2025. Submitted.
  5. Chen, M.*, Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., 2025. Design and Analysis of Deployable Clustered Tensegrity V-Expander Plates. The Fourth International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON). Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, Jun. 22 - 25, 2025. Accepted.
  6. Ma, S.*, Hu, S., Chen, M., 2025. Statics and dynamics of integrated tensegrity and origami structures based on plate-hinge model. The 14th Asian Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures (APCS 2025). Design and Construction Technology Toward Low-Carbon Society, Kanazawa, Japan, June 9-12, 2025, Accepted.
  7. Jiang, Y., Zhao, L., Balkcom, D., Chen, M.*, 2025. A Numerical and Experimental Tensegrity Robot Platform for Space Landing and Locomotion. The Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025 Conference (EMI 2025). University of California, Irvine, CA, May 27 - 30, 2025, Accepted.
  8. Ma, S., Hu, S., Chen, M.*, 2025. Dynamics of integrated tensegrity and membrane systems based on finite element method. The Engineering Mechanics Institute 2025 Conference (EMI 2025). University of California, Irvine, CA, May 27 - 30, 2025, Accepted.
  9. Zhao, L.*, Jiang, Y., She, C., Quattrini Li, A., Chen, M., Balkcom, D., 2025. SMILE: Soft Modular Intelligent Lattice for Entertainment. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA). Atlanta, GA, May 19 – 23, 2025. Submitted.
  10. Zhao, L.*, Jiang, Y., She, C., Chen, M., Balkcom, D., 2025. StarBot: Self-Assembled Transformative Adaptive Robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA). Atlanta, GA, May 19 – 23, 2025. Submitted.
  11. Yazbeck, R.*, El-Borgi, S., Boyd, J.G., Chen, M., Lagoudas, D.C., 2025. Wave Propagation in Tensegrity Structures. ASME's 3rd Annual Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SSDM). Houston, TX, May 5 – 7, 2025. Accepted.
  1. Shen, Y.*, Chen, M., 2024. Dynamics Modeling and Control of Tensegrity Morphing Airfoils. The 7th Cross-Strait Symposium on Dynamics, Vibration, and Control (SDVC). Macao, Dec. 20 – 22, 2024.
  2. Chen, M.* and Ma, S., 2024. Buckling and Stability Evaluation of Tensegrity Aerospace Structures. Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting. Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY, Nov. 1, 2024.
  3. Chen, M.* and Shen, Y., 2024. Model Reduction under Finite Word-Length Constraints for Large-Scale Computing. The 8th Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit. The University of Kentucky's Center for Computational Science (CCS) and ITS/Research Computing Infrastructure (ITS-RCI), Lexington, KY, Oct. 16, 2024.
  4. Chen, M.*, Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., 2024. Shape-Change Morphing of Tensegrity V-Expander Plate Metamaterials. ICCS27 - 27th International Conference on Composite Structures. School of Engineering and Architecture, Ravenna Campus of University of Bologna, Italy, Sept. 3 – 6, 2024.
  5. Shen, Y.*, Chen, M., Skelton, R.E., 2024. A general empirical framework for modeling and control of tensegrity robots using Markov parameters. The 2024 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES). Hangzhou, Aug. 22, 2024.
  6. Ma, S., Chen, M.*, 2024. Stability in Tensegrity Systems Considering Member and Global Buckling. The 2024 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES). Hangzhou, Aug. 21, 2024.
  7. Chen, Y., Chen, M.*, Xia, X., Hermanson, J.C., Qi, F, 2024. A General Framework to Population Balance-Monte Carlo Simulations for Particle Breakage, Coagulation and Nucleation. The 2024 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES). Hangzhou, Aug. 23, 2024.
  8. Chen, M.*, Ma, S., Skelton, R.E., 2024. Integrated Origami and Tensegrity Systems Dynamics Based on the Bar-Hinge Model. The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC 2024), The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, IL, May 28-31, 2024.
  9. Longman, A., Chen, M.*, 2024. Revolutionary Expandable Rotating Shielded Space Habitat: Pioneering Sustainable Life Beyond Earth. The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC 2024), The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, IL, May 28-31, 2024.
  10. Chen, M.*, Shen, Y., Skelton, R.E., 2024. The optimal dynamical model for 3D tensegrity morphing airfoils. ASCE Earth & Space 2024. Miami, FL, Apr. 17, 2024.
  11. Chen, M., Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G.∗, Piccioni, M., 2023. Efficiency of clustered cable-actuation of V-Expander tensegrity cells. XXIX Conference of Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering. Gdansk, Poland, Dec. 1, 2023.
  12. Chen, M.*, Ma, S., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Combining Tensegrity and Origami: Advancements in Aerospace Deployable Structures. The 2023 Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS 2023) Annual Meeting, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY, Nov. 3, 2023.
  13. Liu, Q., Chen, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. An extended peridynamics model for non-spherical horizons. ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE). New Orleans, LA., Oct. 30, 2023.
  14. Chen, M.*, Ma, S., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Integrated Tensegrity and Origami Systems for Deployable Space Structures. Society of Engineering Science Annual Conference (SES 2023). Minneapolis, MN., Oct. 10, 2023.
  15. Chen, M., Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Clustered cable-actuation strategies of a family of V-Expander tensegrity cells. Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference (EMI IC). Palermo, Italy, Aug. 29, 2023.
  16. Chen, M., Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G.*, Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of Actuation Strategies of Clustered Tensegrity V-Expander Structures. The Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON). Rome, Italy, June 16-22, 2023.
  17. Ma, S., Chen, M., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Dynamics of Clustered Tensegrity Structures Considering Friction in the Pulleys. The 19th Nonlinear Vibration and 16th Nonlinear Dynamics and Motion Stability Conference (NVND). Tianjin, China, May 5-7, 2023.
  18. Ma, S., Chen, M., Zhang, H., Skelton, R.E., 2023. Statics Analysis of Tensegrity Actuated Origami Structures. The 19th Nonlinear Vibration and 16th Nonlinear Dynamics and Motion Stability Conference (NVND). Tianjin, China, May 5-7, 2023.
  19. Shen, Y.*, Chen, M., Skelton, R.E., 2022. A Tensegrity Approach for Lower-Limb Prosthesis. 2022. The 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Medicine and Engineering. Shanghai, China, Dec. 16 -18, 2022.
  20. Chen, M.*, Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2022. Mass Efficient Double-Helix Tensegrity. The Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES). Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Oct. 17, 2022.
  21. Chen, M., Fraddosio, A., Micheletti, A., Pavone, G., Piccioni, M., Skelton, R.E., 2022. Dynamics and Nonlinear Statics Analyses of Cable-actuation of the V-Expander Tensegrity Structure. The 2022 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structure (MIMS). Cetara (Amalfi Coast) - Salerno, Italy, Oct. 1, 2022.
  22. Ma, S., Chen, M.* and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Finite element analytical formulation for nonlinear tensegrity dynamics. In ICCS23 & MECHCOMP6-23rd. International Conference on Composite Structures & 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites. p. 194. Porto, Portugal, Sept. 1–4, 2020.