An Expandable Shielded Rotating Space Habitat
The motivation behind designing an Expandable Shielded Rotating Space Habitat is the need for sustainable and habitable environments beyond Earth. By employing innovative expansion techniques and shielded structures, the habitat offers a paradigm shift in space habitation, enabling long-term residency, and fostering ecosystem development. Moreover, the habitat’s potential to support diverse activities, from agriculture to research, makes it a cornerstone in developing the cislunar economy and future space missions. (Skyframe Research Collaboration, Images & Video Credit to Anthony Longman )

Public News Design for a space habitat with artificial gravity that could be enlarged over time to fit more people (By Andy Tomaswick, Sept. 21, 2020)
VOA: Futuristic Space Habitat Solves Problems With Human Space Travel (By Elizabeth Lee, Jul. 26, 2019)
TAMU Engineering News: Building a growable habitat for sustainable life in space (By Jan McHarg, Feb. 5, 2019)
The Wall Street Journal: Space Village One: A Vision for Life Beyond Earth (By Daniela Hernandez, May 17, 2018)
Research Publications
Longman, A., Chen, M.*, 2024. A revolutionary expandable rotating shielded space habitat. Aerospace Science and Technology. In Preparation.
Zhu, Z.* and Chen, M., 2024. Simulating the gravity by rotation as a multi-objective design problem: A metaheuristic approach toward the design of a space station with artificial gravity. The 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2024). Milan, Italy, Oct. 17, 2024.
Longman, A., Chen, M.*, 2024. Revolutionary Expandable Rotating Shielded Space Habitat: Pioneering Sustainable Life Beyond Earth. The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC 2024), The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, IL, May 28-31, 2024.
Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E, 2021. Review of space habitat designs for long-term space explorations. Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 122, p100692.
Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Design and analysis of a growable artificial gravity space habitat. Aerospace Science and Technology. 106, p106147.
Chen, M.*, Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2020. Growth Adaptable Artificial Gravity Space Habitat from Tensegrity Structures. ASCE Earth & Space Conference. April 18-23, 2020.
Longman, A.*, Skelton, R.E., Majji, M., Sercel, J., Peterson, C., Shevtsov, J., Chen, M. and Goyal, R., 2020. In-Space Fabrication and Growth of Affordable Large Interior Rotating Habitats. In ASCEND 2020. Nov. 16-18, 2020.
Chen, M.*, Shen, Y., Goyal, R., Majji, M. and Skelton, R.E., 2018. Energy analysis of growth adaptable artificial gravity space habitat. In 2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition. p. 5109. Orlando, FL, Sept. 17-19, 2018.
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